Jean Vaucher
Jean has spent most of his career in start-ups (from the Internet of Things to energy). It is with those experiences that he assimilated the agility of small teams and design thinking that allows an ambitious project to be quickly concrete and functional.
Regarding technologies, Jean particularly appreciates development stacks such as Scala, Akka, Kafka, and the cloud-based immutable infrastructures. He also evangelises the concepts of the "Reactive Manifesto". It is in this spirit that Jean participates in the development of projects at Apptitude.
Out of work, Jean likes to sail on Lake Geneva or bike in the countryside.
2017 - 2018
In London, Jean joined OVO Energy for a one year project on real-time user consumption of electricity and gas.
2013 -2017
Spent four years as NodeJS tech lead for EVRYTHNG, a London based startup active in the IoT.
Obtained a Master's Degree in Computer Science at EPFL.