The pediatric application for monitoring enuresis.

The Drydawn application offers a lightweight monitoring of a major problem. Its development is part of an initiative of ICCS and ESPU that is supported by Ferring Pharmaceuticals with whom we collaborated on the project.

Comparatif de lécran daccueil de lapplication Drydawn dans sa version anglaise et chinoise

Comparison of the English and Chinese version of the application.

écran de choix de types dentrée dans lapplication médicale Drydawn

Selection of entries for the medical tracking log.

détail dune entrée de journal dans lapp médicale

Detail of data submitted through an entry in the medical app.

Localization and translations

As the app is distributed internationally in more than 12 languages, the constraints related to localization management were taken into account during the design and development process.

We paid particular attention to the readability of the content and the adaptability of the character set used according to the language. You can download the Drydawn app for free in the stores here :

Apple App Store : Drydawn – Bedwetting Diary

Google Play Store : Drydawn – Bedwetting Diary

Generating PDF reports

The use of the app is part of a medical procedure under a doctor’s supervision. The application generates two types of PDF reports that the user can directly send to their practitioner at the end of a follow-up period.