In this estival period and, especially this week with the arrival of a level 3 heatwave in Switzerland, we are sharing useful information for a pleasant and a little more “liveable” summer.
Objective : Stay cool!
At Apptitude, we have developed an impeccable technique to deal with the current heat:
Classic Migros ice creams for everyone!
As a matter of fact, when you have 25 computers running at full capacity and raising the temperature in the offices, there is nothing better to quench your thirst than to enjoy a cool ice cream under the shade, maybe even taking the opportunity to hold one or two meetings in there too. is our supplier of choice for quick delivery of our favorite ice creams!
In addition, we also equipped our offices with an army of plants and fans for optimal air quality. Here is an interesting article from l’Illustré about the improvement of the ambient atmosphere.
Our agency will be open all summer long, so we take advantage of this estival time to consider and launch projects during a rather calm atmosphere. By the way, if you are thinking of a summer project, why not contact us here to make it happen!
But on a more serious note…
The official recommendations of the Canton de Vaud concerning the current heatwave:
- Keep windows closed as long as it is warmer outside than inside
- Open windows and create air flows in the early morning and evening to cool down your office space.
- During the day, lower blinds on windows exposed to sunlight
- Stay hydrated all day long
- Turn off unused electrical appliances and unnecessary lighting fixtures
You will find more information here to make your office heatwave-ready!
Have a nice summer and enjoy cool refreshments!