This summer, don't miss the Innovation Today masterclasses by Strategyzer and Design Sprint Ltd !

Manon Rossi

Manon Rossi Account Manager July 2024

The Innovation Today conference, sponsored by Apptitude, is an event organized by Design Sprint Ltd offering seminars to build a culture of innovation within any organization and develop skills to translate it into action.

For this first edition, the masterclasses will be of the highest level, gathering at the Swiss Tech Convention Center : Yves Pigneur and Alexander Osterwalder, authors of the international bestsellers Business Model Generation et Value Proposition Design, as well as Jake Knapp, author of the Design Sprint methodology from Google Ventures.


Invincible Companies

How to build, test and create the best business models and “invincible” companies.

Design Sprint

Empower your team with a new way of looking at challenges and building the confidence to tackle them.

We are very proud to sponsor the #itoday conference and look forward to meeting innovators from around the world in person or virtually for this hybrid event on August 18 and 19 at the Swiss Tech Convention Center.

Come and join us!