UNEP unveils the Word Environment Situation Room for its 50th anniversary.

UNEP, 50 years of environmental action

Established in 1972, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), based in Nairobi, Kenya, is dedicated to setting and promoting an international agenda for environmental sustainability through sustainable policy implementation and action through seven interrelated initiatives:

  1. Climate action
  2. Chemicals and pollutions action
  3. Nature action
  4. Science policy
  5. Environmental governance
  6. Finance & economic transformation
  7. Digital transformation

During the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the program, the WESR (World Environment Situation Room) platform was officially presented and launched. Discover the video presentation of this new platform, the world’s richest and most comprehensive source of open data about the environment:

World Environment Situation Room  – UNEP copyright © 2022

The platform’s ecosystem brings together the most up-to-date qualitative and officially verified data for each country and makes it available to users from different analytical perspectives, thus providing a comprehensive overview of the environmental situation.

By allowing the comparison of climate data from different sources coupled with scientifically defined key indicators in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the WESR platform creates the opportunity for action and facilitates decision-making for any organization committed to the preservation of our planet.

Objectifs du développement durable, icônes et logo officiel

Our design team at the service of UNEP

We felt honored to participate in the realization of a part of that project, with the design of the ergonomics and interface of various platforms integrated into the WESR situation room.

Indeed, the UNEP team called upon the multidisciplinary skills of our design team to not only create a fluid user experience but also to make the most relevant choices in terms of visualization of complex data, a primary focus of this project.

As such, our designers Aline, Barbara, Michael, and William undertook several weeks of work with the UNEP – GRID team in Geneva on different parts of this design ecosystem, each bringing key skills in their area of expertise.

Moreover, it was also a matter of capitalizing on the visual and ergonomic assets of one project to benefit another, thus producing a visual language that could be deployed over several iterations, presenting environmental data in different ways to suit the needs of users with a variety of profiles.

“ Working with a massive amount of data to make it understandable and useful is always a very exciting challenge for a designer. Even more so when the goal is to contribute to reaching the best decisions regarding environmental challenges. Many thanks to Andrea De Bono and his team for these inspiring collaborations! ”

Barbara Chabriw – Service & Experience Designer


Read more

Watch the launch conference of the WESR platform during the 50 years of UNEP here.

Discover our skills in user experience and interface design via our services page.

Visit the UNEP – GRID portal in Geneva (Website also realised by Apptitude)

Discover the different platforms at the heart of this collaboration between UNEP and Apptitude:

Interactive country fiches – dicf.unepgrid.ch

WESR Climate Change – wesr-climate.unepgrid.ch

WESR Country Common Analysis – wesr-cca.unepgrid.ch